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(215) 987-4592
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Weight vs.Cardio - Which is Best? E-mail
Monday, 11 July 2011

bicep_curlThe data can be so confusing when you're trying to lose weight and burn fat. You know you need to exercise but there are only so many hours in the day and you want to make most of your exercise time.

So which is best? Cardio or weights?

As a physician, I'm an advocate of incorporating cardio and weight training into your weekly workout plan as they both have a positive impact on your health.

So which one will help you burn more calories? While calorie for calorie you'll burn more with cardio, that's not the whole picture.

If you lift weights for thirty minutes, you'll burn less during that time than if you were swimming, running or on a stair machine. However, with weight training, you continue to burn calories as your muscles recover. And muscle keeps your metabolism running more efficiently and burning more fat around the clock. With cardio training, once you stop your cardio workout, the calorie burning is done. Oh, you'll still burn calories as your body functions but the results from your cardio are essentially done the moment you stop moving.

So in planning your weight loss fitness routine, be sure to include weight training with your cardio plan. When combined with a healthy diet and an active day, unwanted body fat will be gone in no time!
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Meet Dr. Fisher

Dr. Jon Fisher is a board certified Family Physician

Profile on Success... CeCe McGhee - Praise 103.9

CeCe McGhee is on a weight loss journey, and it’s going well. Take a look at the slimmer version of Praise 103.9’s Afternoon Angel
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